I’m stepping a bit away from the poster board this week, so to speak, to talk about conference etiquette more generally. Conferences involve travel and eating out, usually in locations that cater to a lot of tourists (e.g., San Diego, New Orleans, Washington, DC) and partially hosted by hotels that are normally catering to business class. Since most conference attendees are usually early career stage scientists, cost is an issue. Amy Lynch-Biniek wrote : Tenured profs at conferences: adopt a “grad students and adjuncts don’t pay” rule at dinner/bar. Some did this for student-me and I never forgot. Kate Washington added : I was once in a grad-student dinner group that got stiffed by tenured profs who skipped out; I never forgot that either. In fairness, that would be rude behaviour from anyone , regardless of career stage. Drugmonkey, however, noted : I never assume that just because (someone is a) tenured prof = moneybags that can pick up $$$ dinner checks. Should be voluntary. Angel...