More academic societies are hosting events on social media. One established example is the Royal Society of Chemistry Twitter Poster Conference 2019 (#RSCPoster), which is heading into its fifth year! If you want to participate, here are my top tips. Design within size limits. Twitter will only post images 5 megabytes (MB) or smaller. As a designer, I usually want to know the height and width of my image in pixels, not the size. There isn’t a simple relationship between image size in pixels and file size . Greyscale images can take up less space than colour. Different file formats use different numbers of bytes. It’s worth briefly comparing the three image formats Twitter accepts. GIF : Small file size because of its low colour resolution (8 bit colour). The only one of the three that supports animation. If you use a limited colour palette, GIF is a good option for making a large image with a small file size. JPG : Small file size because of image compression. The amount of compressi...