Here’s the level of “attention to detail” that anyone who designs should aspire to: This makeover from Rian Hughes is shown here . His website is well worth checking out. Hat tip to John Wick. Titles matter. This article analyzes what titles of scientific articles get social media buzz . Funny titles don’t help. But making positive, definite statements about the results does. These data support the Columbo principle for writing titles: Show the murder. Make the audience wonder, “How can you prove it?” instead of “Whodunnit?” Hat tip to Neuroskeptic . If you are conference organizer, one of your main goals should be encouraging interaction with students and more senior people. Andrew Thaler reports on a solution pioneered by the International Marine Conservation Congress : Giving the only drink tickets to the students to hand out during poster presentations is a brilliant move. One of my bugbears is how often people use idiosyncratic abbreviations and acronyms. I’ll let you have DNA,...