Neil Cohn wins the “ Best poster reuse " award for this month: Neil writes: Given my last poster, I can't help but design my poster for #CogSci2017 thinking how I'm just going to turn it into pillows afterwards This short (30 second) video shows the same data, plotted different ways: D3 Show Reel from Mike Bostock on Vimeo . Think about what your intuitive reaction is to these different plots. As I have said before, design is all about choices, and sometimes we underestimate how many choices we have in showing our data. You can find more about the data here . I’m not sure what the difference between a fact box and an infographic is, but I’m intrigued by this article about the effectiveness of fact boxes. Hat tip to Hilda Bastien . Speaking of infographics, there’s a whole gallery of them here . Hat tip to Brett Favaro . I have become obsessed with titles. This slide about headlines makes the point: On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body...