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Showing posts from October, 2018

Link roundup for October 2018

Bergstrom and West think tilting graphs will make people less likely to make mistakes about them. An article in Nature provided this example: Hat tip to Nature News and Comment . • • • • •

Visual density

Your blogger is extra busy this week, and only has time to steal this cartoon from Red Pen / Black Pen on Twitter . Click to enlarge!

Critique: Virtual conferencing

Today’s contribution comes from Parisa Mehran, PhD student at Osaka University. This poster was presented at EUROCALL2018 , but talks a lot about what went down at EUROCALL2017 . You can read that story here , but as for the poster itself? Click to enlarge! The upper left side is blank on purpose to hold some documents that Parisa clipped to the poster. You can see this in her picture below, from her Facebook post about this: The poster’s biggest successes are the organization and the colours. The poster is clearly meant to be read in rows. Using gray bars to separate elements within rows means that the break between them is less conspicuous than the black bars between rows, so your eyes group the rows together. Yellow has the advantage of being a bright colour that is naturally light enough that you can readily read black text on top of it. The boldness of colour fits with the boldness of the thick sans serif type. I like the type choice here so much that I wish it was used througho...

Critique: Marked frogs

Today’s contributor is A.Z. Andis , who is sharing an award-winning poster presented at Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Click to enlarge! This won the Victor Hutchinson Outstanding Poster award in the most popular category! What leaps (no frog pun intended) out at you with this poster is the discipline in the colour palette. We are using black, and we are using green, the text is white, and you will like it ! This brings so much cohesion to the poster. The first section of the poster (“Introduction”) is placed further right than the second section (“Experiment”), which violates our normal reading expectation. But at least readers get warned of this, because the sections are numbered. The varying widths of the text and images takes away a little of the cleanliness of the layout. Visually, it is unclear if the box with the white background belongs to the “Experiment” section or the “Results” section. The rotation of words is an interesting way of emphasizing key wo...